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Twinings Grey Dragon Oolong 100g Loose Leaf Tea

Twinings Grey Dragon Oolong 100g Loose Leaf Tea


Regular price £35.00 GBP
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Loose leaf Indonesian oolong tea. OriginGrey Dragon Tea comes from the West Java highlands of Indonesia, from the tea state of Dewata, which translated into the local Indonesian language, means home of the Gods and Goddesses', an apt name for this beautiful tea. Grey Dragon Tea is grown at attitudes of around 1000-1500m above sea level, grown in rolling hills of the tea estate, with breathtaking views and scenery. Tea DescriptionIt is all hand-picked, and naturally sun-dried, giving it this great leaf integrity. It is a needle-like tea leaf, and the mix of the black and white colours give this tea a fantastic flavour and style. The aroma you will get from the tea comes from the Assamic input, which is truly mellowing against the other thicker and stronger flavours within the tea. The result is a delicate floral aroma, simply delightful. The taste matches the aroma, with a light and delicate floral note. It is not as strong as a China Oolong Tea, but stronger that a classic White Tea. Grey Dragon Tea is most refreshing taken without milk or sugar, but drink it however you prefer. - Twinings - Grey Dragon Oolong - 100g Loose Leaf Tea

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