Twinings China White 50g Loose Leaf Tea
Twinings China White 50g Loose Leaf Tea
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Loose Leaf White TeaOriginThis unique style of white tea is produced exclusively for Twinings in Yunnan Province, South West China. Yunnan translates as 'south of the cloudy peak mountains', an apt description of this moist, mild and mountainous region, where conditions are ideal for growing tea.Tea DescriptionWhite tea gets its name from the fine silvery hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant; our tea consists of one bud and one leaf. Harvested earlier than black or green teas, the delicate nature of the new buds demands less processing, requiring only light withering in the sun, followed by drying. When infused in hot water the liquor is clear and very pale, with a soft, sweet, refreshing character. Loose leaf tea made simple. Take a look at our fabulousteapots(some come with a built-in strainer) andtea strainers. - Twinings - China White - 50g Loose Leaf Tea